Please be aware that our iThenticate license is limited to checks of theses and dissertations before final submission. Please provide your email address and last name. You will be redirected to the Turnitin website. If you need the invitation sent again, please reach out to your teacher. For checking your personal work, we recommend iThenticate. Open the email sent by Turnitin and click 'Create Your Password.' The link to set up an account will only be valid within the first 24 hours of sending. It can be used only by instructors for checking course work submitted to an active class. Please note that our license does not allow Turnitin to be used for checking manuscripts, dissertations and theses. Students' grades in Turnitin can be synchronized back to the Canvas gradebook. Through Canvas, students can submit assignments into Turnitin with single sign-in, and instructors can synchronize students’ rosters between Canvas and Turnitin easily. It is set up inside their Canvas courses. UH instructors have integrated Turnitin in Canvas.

UH has an institutional license for Turnitin, so instructors may use the service for free.

Turnitin has a capability of comparing submitted papers to myriad content that is available on the internet and in its proprietary databases. Welcome to How-To Technology Today, I am going to show you how to upload essays to. Using Turnitin, the instructor can easily discover if your students are plagiarizing content written by others. It does not need to require software download to the computer and is available for Mac and PC users. Turnitin is an online plagiarism-detection application.